30dps Blog

Content Creation: New Cure For the Pain of an Abscessed Tooth?

"Smile Pretty" - Lion Roaring

I hardly ever get sick, but when I do... well... let's just say that it isn't pretty. I somehow managed to get an abscessed tooth this week, and it has taken me to all new heights of being a big baby. It wasn't just that my entire face, jaw, mouth, neck, shoulder, HEAD hurt like it had been run over by a truck. The combination of pain relievers and antibiotics have kept me so sick that about the only thing I've been good for is some cinematic brilliance in my almost-asleep dreams (I guess they would technically be hallucinations, but who cares).

At the heights of my anguish (or is it "depth"), I realized I had been too sick to keep up with my blog and social media posts. So... I set my feverish, sleep-deprived, pain-filled, and drugged-out mind to work on coming up with some creative subjects for my next series of blogs.

The first few ideas were certainly creative. Here's a sampling of a few of those earlier ideas:

  1. How Entrepreneurship Is Like Taking an Ice Skate to an Abscessed Tooth. (Yes, Cast Away was a recurring theme for my "dreams.")
  2. The Merits of Tarring and Feathering. (Ex-dentists, a few old clients, etc.)
  3. 10 Ways of Holding Your Tongue So It Hurts the Least. (Could have gone lots of places with that one.)

These dynamic ideas eventually gave way to more conventional posts like the following:

  1. Marketing: It Only Hurts When You Laugh. (I have no idea where that one was going, but it does hurt to laugh.)
  2. Client Issues, Employee Gossip, Root Canals, and Other Fun Things.
  3. Replacing Bad Clients Can Be Like A Tooth Transplant. (No more pain or decay on THAT one.)

"Open Wide" - Cat Meowing

Okay, I guess it's time to fess up. I completely forgot my best ideas (I KNEW I should have written them down). But in the process of working through the challenge, a few things became clear—even to my muddied mind:

  1. Content creation can wait on no man/woman. 
  2. Even a sick mind can create. (I just wish I could remember those good ones!)
  3. If you occupy your mind with enough silly stuff, you can eventually get your mind off THIS ACHING TOOTH!!! (Well, it worked for a minute there.)


Don't let your abscessed tooth keep you from starting your content marketing strategy. Remember, every journey starts with a single step.

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