
"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

Henry Ford

Ford Motor Company




Agile Project Management

Agile project management was originally employed almost entirely within the IT world, but it is also proving to be beneficial to agencies such as ours that specialize in inbound marketing, content marketing, and custom website development and HubSpot. Agile project management disciplines allow us to manage all of our clients’ marketing initiatives within the same construct. Our Agile Agency Delivery Model is a transparent and flexible method of pricing and project management that works equally well for both parties without the friction that comes from change orders and rebidding.

Story Point Pricing

Building on our Agile Agency Delivery Model, we use Story Points to price and deliver our web development and inbound marketing services. Each task required to execute your strategy—such as developing a creative concept, creating a landing page, or developing a custom application—will be expressed in the form of Story Points. Story Point are based on the task’s duration, relative complexity, level of expertise required, and value received. Story Point pricing varies based on length of engagement, but typically runs between $180 and $200 per Story Point.






Flexible Strategies That Anticipate Change

Based on the amount of the retainer, each month or quarter you will have an allotted bank of Story Points, which you can use to complete any number of tasks. This model allows us to remain flexible enough to reprioritize monthly/quarterly tasks as business priorities change and the strategy evolves. While there is a great deal of flexibility within our Agile Agency Delivery Model, it should be noted that there are a few Story Point allocations that are fixed, e.g. 10% for project management. That's because we want to ensure that your projects are completed on schedule and per your budget.

Predictable Outcomes & Budget Certainty

Rather than pricing our services based on unpredictable billable hours or cautiously calculated fixed bids that require constant renegotiation when scope changes, this model allows you to work alongside us to thoughtfully plan which tasks will be completed each month and to benefit from the utmost budget certainty. You always know what each project component or task is valued at, and approve each before work is commenced, so there's never a cost surprise. Should the need arise, you can certainly purchase additional Story Points for any month. 




Your Budget Drives Outcomes

While significant website projects realistically have a minimum price below which little can be accomplished, 30dps is committed to doing everything possible to work within your budget. We pride ourselves in being able to accommodate our clients' budgets by flexing the number of monthly story points and compressing or expanding the timeline. Together we can make it work!

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