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Website Conversion Strategies Change Often. Are You Keeping Up?

Website Conversion Strategies Change Often. Are you Keeping Up?

As one of the top HubSpot agencies in Colorado, we know that if there’s one eternal truth about the best ways to get website visitors to convert, it’s that there’s no eternal truth about the best ways to get website visitors to convert! As a marketer, what you must do is revisit the constantly evolving best practices and review your website regularly in light of them to ensure you’re maximizing your chances of turning visitors into leads—and ultimately into customers. Interestingly, this “never rest” approach falls right in line with the growth-driven design (GDD) concept that we're such fans of.  

That said, here is some of the latest thinking on how to optimize your website for conversion success:

  • Be sure your site is secure. Not long ago, people didn’t know that the “s” in “https” stood for. Today, a sizable percentage of people understand that it means a site is properly secured, and they won’t do business with you if the “s” is absent. (And Google now gives preference to secure website pages.)
  • Speed matters. We’re all busy, and if we’re honest with ourselves, most of us are impatient. (Guilty as charged!) If a page doesn’t load within just a few seconds, your prospect will take that as a bad sign and look to do business elsewhere. Be sure to work with your web developers to find ways to maximize the speed of your site.
  • Ensure your web copy is clear and concise. Confuse your visitor or take too long to get to the point, and you’ll lose them. Flowery prose may be beautiful, but it is not effective. Some companies feel compelled to write longer passages that will accommodate more keywords, but if the people who find your site via improved SEO immediately bounce (in the face of a flood of text), those companies haven’t done themselves any favors. Traffic is great; conversions are critical.
  • Build credibility. Obtaining recommendations from respected authorities isn’t a one-time task to be completed as you prepare to launch your new or updated website. It should be an ongoing initiative. Any time someone with pull is willing to plug your business, you must take them up on that. Prospects are strongly influenced by what others think of a product or service.
  • Focus on “why” not “what” on your website. Your prospects know what they are looking for. What they don’t know (yet) is why your offering will make a difference for them. Be sure you are emphasizing results over features.
  • Keep forms brief. Companies like to gather as much information about prospects upfront as they can, as they feel it saves them time in subsequent interactions. Unfortunately, people today are reluctant to share much information about themselves for a variety of reasons. So, you’re best off to keep forms as short as possible and put more of the onus for data collection on your sales team after they establish contact.
  • Put social links last. Don’t get me wrong… I’m a big believer in the power of social media. Unfortunately, having your social media icons at the top of your web pages, can make it too easy for a visitor to get distracted and spend time reading your Facebook posts rather than converting. Unless your social platforms are your main marketing platform (and they shouldn't be, in most cases) put your icons at the bottom of the page.
  • Landing pages should have one purpose. When you design landing pages, you should eliminate your website's primary navigation, and in fact, eliminate everything that could distract your visitor from converting. You should have a single call-to-action (though some landing pages may require a single CTA to be placed in multiple places on the page). All of the content should be focused on getting the user to click that CTA or fill out that form.

Every Website Conversion Matters

Take the advice of a firm recognized as one of the top HubSpot agencies in Colorado, Missouri, and Washington: even the slightest lift in website conversion rate can be a huge boost to your content marketing (and bottom line). We’re experts in growth-driven design and can help you get much more from your website. Contact us today.


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