The Three R's of Amazing Customer Experiences

Reliability. Nothing kills a customer experiences like a lack of dependability. You can have the coolest product or service in the world, but if your company cannot be relied upon to consistently provide it, it will soon be a distant memory. Be available when you say will be, meet your commitments and deadlines, and adjust your company culture as needed. The entire customer experience your company can provide hangs in the balance with this one principle.
Responsiveness. Customers today have unprecedented expectations with regards to responsiveness. They expect returned calls within the hour and returned e-mails within minutes. They want constantly up-to-date information online and faster, more efficient service. Can you offer that?
Relevance. If Google was unable to present relevant search results, users would look somewhere else. But this concept isn’t only applicable to them. If it’s the Fourth of July in Florida and you’ve got winter boots in your store window, no one is going to walk through your door.
All businesses must maintain relevance if success is to be achieved and sustained. When in search of an Amazing Customer Experience (ACE), every touch-point with customers should be evaluated against these three essential principles, because without reliability, responsiveness and relevance, your chances of scoring an ACE are zilch!
Find out why an Amazing Customer Experience is so important.