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Small Team, Big Output: 6 Tips for Producing a Greater Quantity of Quality Content


Let me start this post by being very clear: It’s the quality, not the quantity, of your inbound marketing content that will get you noticed, establish you as a thought leader, and help you attract prospects and make sales. That said, if you can create a high volume of high-quality content, you are that much better off.

“But what if we have a small content marketing team?” you say. “How can just a few people produce an adequate volume of materials to sustain our strategy?”  Well, I’m glad you asked!

Here are some tips for “fighting above your weight class” as they say:

  1. Learn to strrrrretch your content. Too often marketers try to cover every aspect of a topic in one piece of content. A better tactic is to break a large topic down into bite-size chunks. Not only does this allow you to go into greater depth on each aspect, but it can also turn one blog post into five, thereby upping your output without having to research additional ideas.
  2. Establish and stick to a content creation rhythm. Research is done on Monday. Drafts are completed by Wednesday. Review and edits are wrapped up by end of day Friday. Whatever cadence works for your team is fine, but sticking to it can greatly increase your efficiency.
  3. Repurpose your content. I’ve blogged about this concept before, but it bears repeating. Those interesting facts you uncovered in writing a case study would make a great infographic. The notes you took when talking to a subject matter expert for a white paper? They’re perfect for a Q&A blog post. More great content with less effort!
  4. Get business partners involved. The companies you work with would probably love the opportunity to share some of their expertise with your audience. It’s a great plug for the partner, and it’s an easy addition to your content stream.
  5. Revisit and revise your content. Often you can find new facts, changes in your market, etc. that can be used to update existing content and rerelease it. Your audience will appreciate being kept up-to-date and your content development team will appreciate the opportunity for a quick win!
  6. Enlist the assistance of a content marketing agency. Inbound marketing firms are often experts at creating high-quality content. They can do everything from providing the occasional piece when your team is overtaxed to creating all your content all the time. It’s a great idea to strike up a relationship with an agency even before you need content so they’re ready to step in at a moment’s notice.

As you can see, there are many strategies for helping your small team deliver big output. There’s no reason you need to resign yourself to producing a feeble trickle of content simply because you don’t have the headcount.

Looking to Put the Pedal Down on Your Content Marketing Productivity?

Whether it’s helping you create content, working with you to develop a strategy for using it, or guiding you in the implementation of the technology needed to support your efforts (help with HubSpot, for example), we’ve been helping clients achieve stellar results for more than two decades. We’ve got staff in Colorado Springs, CO, Olympia, WA, and Springfield, MO, and clients around the country. Let’s talk about your inbound marketing needs and the steps you should take to meet them. 

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