Feeling is Believing: Yes, Your B2B Content Marketing Needs Emotion
Many a B2B marketer has spoken words to this effect: “Yes, emotion is helpful in B2C marketing, but it just doesn’t work in B2B.” And many a B2B marketer has been mistaken! It seems that we’ve convinced ourselves that business decision makers only focus on purchasing products and services that “drive business value” or that have the right technical specs and “differentiators.” In short, we think that behind the fleshy exterior lives a cold, heartless, analytical robot.
News flash: there’s a human in there! And that B2B buyer has all the same hopes and fears, excitement and trepidation regarding a purchase that their B2C counterpart does. So, if you are taking a “just the facts” approach to your B2B marketing content, you’re failing to leverage a number of emotional buttons that are primed and ready to be pressed.
How Content Marketing with Heart Hits Home
Want to move B2B decision makers to action? (And, of course, the answer here is “Yes!”) Create marketing content that appeals to them in these ways:
The promise of praise
“Kathy, my team loves the new project management software!” “Mike, can’t thank you enough for finding the right live chat solution.” Kathy and Mike may wave away the compliments because what they did is “all in a day’s work,” but you know inside it makes them feel great to get kudos from their peers. Point out that your product or service can deliver that kind of recognition and you’ll get a buyer’s attention.
Relief at the ready
It’s safe to say that for most people, work is sometimes (if not frequently) stressful. Sure, we get used to it. But if a company can make a strong case that its offering will decrease a person’s stress level, they are all ears! Will it lighten their workload? Help them get out of the office at a decent hour? Perform QA that detects errors before they get published? If so, they’re in!
Upward mobility
Pats on the back from grateful colleagues for a wise purchase decision are certainly a strong motivator. However, the possibility that a product or service will make a person look good in the eyes of their superiors, and thereby boost their career, may be an even stronger one. If your product can solve a person’s problem AND earn them points with their boss, all you’ll have to do is tell them where to sign!
So, if you’re thinking you should probably play your B2B marketing pretty close to the vest, think again. No matter how well we hide it, we’re all emotional creatures. And the more you can do to stir up a purchase authority’s feelings, the more success you’ll have.
Marketing Automation and Inbound Marketing Expertise You’ll LOVE
From our agency locations in Colorado Springs, CO, Springfield, MO, and Olympia, WA, we help clients nationwide implement the strategy, tools, and content they need to engage B2B decision makers and capture more market share. We’ve been doing it for more than 20 years. Is this the year that you kick your content marketing into high gear? If so, we should talk about your objectives and your plan. Contact us today!